Saturday, December 6, 2014

Two Extensive Ways to Develop Cross Platform Desktop Apps with PHP

Let's discuss in deep top two ways to develop cross platform desktop applications with using PHP language.

1. Nightrain :-
Nightrain is a pre-packaged set of PHP-hosting powered by PHP 5.5.x. It is written in Python that uses PHP's internal server to host your application and so ignoring Apache and Nginx and minimize configuration shenanigans. Moreover, It means some few advanced aspects are not available, and you can use it for rudimentary applications.


There is another big con, which is a command prompt is launched first and then the app. The command windows must stay open if you want to use the application.

Additionally, you can only run one nightrain app by default, because it actually launches a server on port 8000 and then makes the headless browser that opens “secretly” visit localhost:8000. If you want to launch several different nightrain apps, you need to change the port in settings.ini.
Nightrain is compatible with most PHP application as well as frameworks. Also, you can change the database to SQLite, which is what is used, It is very easy to develop the app send the SQLite data upstream to a server, so using only SQLite on the system is a logical.

2. WXPHP :-

WXPHP is known as wxWidgets for PHP, which allows us to write multi-platform desktop applications that make use of the native graphical components available to the different platforms.


Install wxPHP as a separate program, which gives you support for execution of .wxphp files by simply double clicking on them.

This means your apps are mere files, and we can distribute them everywhere with ease. Furthermore, we can organize your code into files and classes as usual and distribute folders. The main .wxphp file can then include these other resources.

One thing to note is that with wxPHP you aren’t developing websites as you would on the web. In other words, you don’t need to develop offline websites, but string together various wx widgets.

WxPHP comes with a nice form building tool which will help you to generate the PHP code automatically. We need that code for wxPHP apps.



Before we dismiss wx as a trivial, People have made lots of basic apps in it. WxPHP is a better option than Nightrain to develop PHP desktop application.

One major advantage of wx is that, all .wxphp files can be run at the click of the mouse. There is no need to additional installation. One can easily share the app inside the office via simple email and also updating is a very easy in it.   


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