Monday, December 8, 2014

2014 PHP News – You May Have Missed

As a PHP Developer, It is a necessary to know latest news about the PHP language. Here, you can find PHP news you may have missed over the past few months. Here, I am sharing a head up about them.

2014 PHP News

1... HHVM :-


There are many major updates in HHVM.

H2TP :-

Before few times, Facebook has announced an experimental release of H2TP, a transpiler that you can use to convert hack code to PHP5 code. You can easily run PHP5 code on HHVM.  If you are going to write Hack code, then it won't be compatible with old PHP. H2TP provides a facility to reclaim compatibility and move back to PHP. PHP7 is beyond our expectations and surpasses HHVM in speed, features, quality and many more.

HHVM 3.4.0 :-

A new version is out. While not an LTS version like 3.3.0, it still sports some powerful upgrades, including but not limited to support for abstract final classes in Hack, Hack reflection support for first-class enums, Closure::bind() and so on.

2... Propel2 Major Changes :-

Propel2 Major Changes

Propel 2 is a very famous Active Record ORM. It is completely independent. From 2nd version, It has been in active development, and now we have some big changes looming on the horizon. The new propel will be more modular, supporting NoSQL and PHPCR.

3.. V3 of AWS SDK docs :-

V3 of AWS SDK docs

PHP SDK AWS version 3 is now available online at this location. It is time to use AWS with PHP if you have never used it. It is a documented for API version 3 so, you can bring your apps to the next level of scalability and performance.

If you have any AWS PHP implementations, you would like to tell us about. Let's know we would like to publish your stories.

4. Phalconf :-


Now-a-days Phalcon has become more popular. If you are free for two minutes, fill out the survey form which shows the interest level of everyone. They have put together at Even if you’re completely unfamiliar with Phalcon, please take the survey – it’s a pretty safe. You need to make sure to vote for a two-track conference then, so one track can focus on beginner topics, while the other will host advanced talks.

5.. Laravel 5.0 delayed  :- 

Laravel 5.0 delayed

Lock :-

A new ACL package for PHP has popped up as noted by Dries Vints in the comments below. ACL is a big part of any serious PHP apps and having a well-built reusable component.

Bldr :-


Bldr is a task runner for PHP. There is no need for Java, NPM and other unstable software on your machine. PHP package will do the job very smoothly. 


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