Wednesday, March 6, 2019

C#.NET Or Java: The Differences You Should Know Before Getting A Website Developed

Before we open the curtains for the ultimate showdown, we need you to understand something. The approaches used by Java and C#.NET, even though are somewhat different, they have a common goal: To help build scalable enterprise solutions and web and desktop apps.

About C#

As we know, C# is an Object-Oriented, functional, generic and component-oriented programming language which took birth from the headquarters of Microsoft. The latest version of C# is 7.2, released in 2017 along with visual studio 2017 version 15.5.

C# today used to build a plethora of applications; it is specifically strong at building Windows desktop applications and games. Web development can be done efficiently with C# and it has become largely popular across the C# development services environment. It makes an excellent choice for anyone who wishes to involve themselves in web and game development. It also offers myriad of cross-platform tools that allow the applications written in C# which can be used over mobile and desktop.

Looking further, C# is a statically-typed language. This means that the written source code is scrutinized and checked thoroughly before it turns into a working application.

Also, C# is a complex language to learn and mastering it may take more time than any other language like Python. If you as a programmer wish to hold a reputed place in C# environment or in a credible C#.NET web development company. It takes a lot of hard work to learn a substantial amount of code. C#.NET has grown quickly since it was first created, with extensive support from Microsoft.

About Java

When you look at Java’s syntax, you will notice that it  is derived from C++, which is also class-based and Object-Oriented. The Java source program was converted to bytecode by the Java compiler, which can be further executed on any of the existing operating system that has compatible JRE or Java Runtime Environment installed on it. In this manner, the source code once written in Java can be, in the future, run on any platform. This is one of the major benefits of Java. All that is needed is, appropriate JRE must be installed on the said operating system which can be downloaded from Java’s official website.

Another benefit is that Java is portable. This means, the program written for any platform must run similarly on a combination of hardware and operating system. A compiler would convert Java source code to bytecode, and JVM or Java Virtual Machine, which is created inside JRE or Java Runtime Environment, would convert bytecode to machine code. Java has got far-reaching support for concurrency, networking, and Graphic User Interface, shortly known as GUI.

Here are some basic differences between Java and C# nicely explained by Wiki:


Sometimes, when we sit down to compare, even though both the contenders are fit to be in the places where we’ve put them, they do most of the times feel like comparing Apples to Oranges. In this case, both these technologies are robust, sophisticated, and up to the T in meeting the expectations of the users. At the end, it will always boil down to what are your requirements as a user, what output do you need, and what is your end-goal?


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