Tuesday, February 26, 2019

MVVM vs MVP vs MVC--Which Architectural Pattern You Should Go For

In the world that we live in, we have been surrounded by modern, state-of-the-art programming tools and technologies. Thanks to this widespread diversity, programmers today can build intricate, considerable, and highly functional software. Hitherto, the necessity of structuring big projects eventually started.

Further, to solve the problem of complex yet structured projects, architectural patterns were created. By definition, an architectural pattern is nothing but a general, reusable solution to some of the most commonly occurring problems in software architecture confined within a given context.

Today, there is a large range of architectural patterns that have been segmented into many groups. Out of all the existing ones, three of those are widely popular and accepted globally: MVC, MVP, MVVM. These patterns are generally used in developing web, mobile and desktop applications. MVVM development services and MVC development services are among the most sought after services in the market today.

MVC, MVP and MVVM are layered style patterns, where the ultimate goal is to decouple the project structure into three major components:
  • Business logic of the application
  • User interface (UI) layer
  • Application layer which holds the interaction between the app’s logic and the UI.

What is MVC?
MVC stands for Model-View-Controller. Tagging it as the classic architectural pattern wouldn’t be an injustice. MVC is the most widely used pattern of all. All the components of MVC perform their individual duties up to the T.

MVC, though widely used, is considered to be complex. Developers need to spend enough time to understand the whole idea behind its engineering. Looking at one of the cons, although the concept of MVC describes decoupling, it doesn’t allow developers of the Model ignore the structure of the Views. Also, sometimes it becomes cumbersome to debug MVC architecture considering the event-driven nature of the UI code.

What is MVP?
MVP or Model-View-Presenter, is in general, the scion of MVC design. The ‘Model’ in MVP handles the exact same responsibilities as in MVC. You can think of the ‘Presenter’ as a transformed ‘Controller’.

It is responsible for establishing a communication between the ‘View’ and ‘Model’. It then redirects the user’s input from View to Model and transmits the processed data back to the View. In MVP, the View and the presenter are two completely different entities and communicate to each other by an interface.

What is MVVM?
MVVM is the newest entrant among apex architectural patterns. What MVVM does is that it divides an existing application into three basic components: Model-View-ViewModel. Since this supports two-way data binding between View and ViewModel, it allows for automatic propagation of changes inside the state of ViewModel to the View.

The ‘Model’ performs the same duties as Models in MVC and MVP. The View is the one that receives data through data binding system and in return displays it to the user with the help of UI controls. The ‘ViewModel’ handles the defining methods and functions that assist in maintaining the View’s state, triggering events in the View and manipulating the Model as a response to changing of the View. For this reason, developers find it breeze while working in MVVM framework development.


In order to choose the architecture of the future applications, as a developer you need to set the tasks clearly in your mind and weigh down the given capabilities of these technologies. Out of the mentioned technologies, web developers use MVC pattern while  desktop applications provide MVP and MVVM solutions and mobile developers implement different patterns.


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