Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Top Five Tools for PHP Professionals to Simplify the Task

PHP is a renowned client side scripting language used by a majority of the developer community due to its open-source nature. Get the detail about top 5 Crucial Tools for PHP Application Development.

Debugger :-

There are many debuggers available like .dbg, Zend_Debug and xdebug. It allows code execution at any point of the PHP application development. Once can use a debugger to avoid the run time errors.

Testing Tool :-

Testing is the process that includes checking of the website or the web application. If any error is reported, it has to be cleared before delivering. Unit testing is one of the important testing types. All PHP programmers have to use testing tools to create a functional website. So, It can be used to avoid any type of issue.

ERD Tool :-

Entity Relationship Diagram tool is used to design and develop the relationships. We can easily handle big as well as complex data. Many PHP tools like MySQL, workbench offer many options which help in making the relationship diagram that synchronize with the original data.

Frameworks :-

Framework is a necessary for every PHP developer. There are two types of framework CMS and programming. We need to know about those in detail before using both those. CMS has extensions. For second one, There is need technical expertise. It is highly recommended to learn all Professional web developers.

Version Control System :-

Version control system is used when any specific version of the file is to be recalled. When many programmers working on the same project, then they use this system for matching the changes done by each member to avoid issues while execution. Additionally, we can upload images and files in the version control system.  


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