PHP is one of the most favorite open source programming languages. Many popular sites like WordPress, Wikipedia, Facebook, Digg, iStockPhoto and Facebook are developed in PHP language. Here are some of the basic PHP tutorials to develop a very good website in PHP.
PHP Tutorials for Noobs
1. Basic of PHP
All the basic things and tutorial about PHP. Learn PHP from scratch.
2. Setting up The Database
Learn how to connect PHP web pages with database
3. Inserting Information
Adding data in PHP database
4. Displaying Data
Learn how to display data from database in PHP
5. Learn Smarty Template Engine Crash Course
If you have used PHP template engines then here you will find the basic concept of smarty template engine crash course which looks quite familier
6. Integrating FirePHP for Ajax Development
There are lots of integrated tools available to building a web 2.0 AJAX apps in PHP. Find out the tutorial to learn it in detail
7. Learn How to degun in PHP
Tutorial about learn debugging in PHP
8. Sending e mails via SMTP with PHP mailer and Gmail
Check out the above link to get an idea about how to send mail messages via SMTP using PHPmailer and Gmail.
9. Implementing Text to Speech in PHP
Learn on how we can convert text to speech from PHP applications.
10. Use Windows Login in PHP Applications
With using the username and password schemes for logging in to your applications or websites.
PHP Tutorials for Noobs
1. Basic of PHPAll the basic things and tutorial about PHP. Learn PHP from scratch.
2. Setting up The Database
Learn how to connect PHP web pages with database
3. Inserting Information
Adding data in PHP database
4. Displaying Data
Learn how to display data from database in PHP
5. Learn Smarty Template Engine Crash Course
If you have used PHP template engines then here you will find the basic concept of smarty template engine crash course which looks quite familier
6. Integrating FirePHP for Ajax Development
There are lots of integrated tools available to building a web 2.0 AJAX apps in PHP. Find out the tutorial to learn it in detail
7. Learn How to degun in PHP
Tutorial about learn debugging in PHP
8. Sending e mails via SMTP with PHP mailer and Gmail
Check out the above link to get an idea about how to send mail messages via SMTP using PHPmailer and Gmail.
9. Implementing Text to Speech in PHP
Learn on how we can convert text to speech from PHP applications.
10. Use Windows Login in PHP Applications
With using the username and password schemes for logging in to your applications or websites.
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