Monday, July 13, 2020

Time for Website Owners to Migrate as Magento 1 Reaches EOL

In June 2020, the time came: Support for Magento 1 ended. This is not surprising. Magento already announced this in 2018. But if you haven't been active since then, you should take this reminder and put the change as a task at the top of the agenda.

Magento is available in the commercial version (formerly Enterprise) and the free open source edition (for community). The quality and security updates end for both versions, so the end of life of Magento 1 has come. This date does not affect the extensions.

Magento 1 was replaced by Magento 2 in 2015. In the long term, this should also mean the end of version 1. But many online shops continue to run with the older version. Now it gets serious.

How Should You Continue Your Shop?

In principle, the existing online shop can be continued. There are no features that will no longer work even today. Nonetheless, security gaps in existing systems are continually being sought, which are no longer remedied by the manufacturer. It can be assumed that the extensive Magento Community will release bug fixes. However, there are no reliable timings here and the motivation - with a decreasing number of active Magento 1 instances - will decrease over the months.

Payment providers have already found workarounds to accept payments over the end of June 2020. The greatest challenge thus remains to secure the shop system against hacker attacks.

New Magento shops

If you are planning a new online shop, choose Magento 2. Yes, there are still a few teething troubles. But the effort involved in fixing small defects is many times less than the relaunch after 18 months. Anything else would not make economic sense. The lifespan of Magento 1 has already ended, and if you haven't thought of migrating, its time you contact a Magento development agency as soon as possible. 

Conversion of existing shops

  • The relaunch of existing shops means time and money for you as the shop operator. You should, therefore, already plan the relaunch, but do not rush anything. The conversion offers opportunities, especially for existing shops:
  • the previous shop will be modernized for the next few years
  • You can schedule planned extensions and changes directly
  • many structures that have grown over the years are now neatly standardized
  • You can learn from past years' experiences about what worked well, what didn't work

The exact duration for the change depends on how complex the current shop is. So talk to a Magento service provider you trust promptly.

Things to look out for if switching to a new platform

Before you switch to a different platform, you should consider what you like in Magento 1 to look for these functions on your next platform. Then make a list of the things you wanted. This gives you an idea of ​​the platform that best fits your company.

Since you had the flexibility to customize your website with Magento, you want a platform that is also flexible. With Magento 1, however, you usually had to rely on developers. So you want a platform that gives you more control over your e-commerce website.

Many platforms offer pre-installed payment gateways such as PayPal, Stripe, Venmo, etc. Check all related fees before choosing, as there are hidden fees for users in some cases.


If you choose a platform with a long lifespan, you can no longer think about this process. Replatforming takes time, so you don't have to speed up the process. Take no risk to avoid compliance issues. Sometimes it can take weeks or more for the site migration to complete in hours. If you haven't made any action at the time of the announcement, don't panic, get in touch with a reliable Magento development agency to take the necessary steps.

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