Friday, December 5, 2014

Top Three Security Plugins for WordPress

There are more than 700 million websites on the web and 18.9% of them are powered by WordPress. Here, Check top three best security plugins for WordPress which all webmasters should use.

Security Plugins for WordPress

1. Better WP Security :-

It is the best solution to fix the most common security risks. The admin login path and username are rarely changed by the webmaster. It means everyone knows the link and the username which opens the path for brute force attacks. Better WP security can also remove the meta generator tag, login error messages and RSD header info.

It provides some necessary security controls.

2. Wordfence :-

It is the most famous to added security for WordPress. The premium of Wordfence includes a Cellphone Sign-in via SMS, and it enables the admin to block certain countries. It creates a strong password policies for users, admin and publishers. It can control the whole entire networks to the website by using IP and Domain. Furthermore, It can send security reports to the network owner.

Additionally, It has more features, including a DNS security monitor and malware scanner which is updated repeatedly in order to recognize the latest suspicious codes.

This is 100% free plug in except for the SMS sign-in feature.

3. BulletProof Security :-

It has been well-known for its ability to prevent code and SQL injection attacks. It means protection against the XSS< RFI, CSRF and Base64 attacks. Additionally, It enables the admin to filter who gets to see his website and who will be greeted by a 503 website under maintenance page. With using ip filtering, the access can be controlled directly from the plug in. It locks down critical htaccess files, wp-config.php, bb-config.php, php5.ini.

To get 5 star rating and Bullet-Proof security the above plug in is a necessary for all WordPress websites.

Check out the video to get an idea about the Bullet-Proof security WordPress Plugin review :-


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