Monday, November 24, 2014

How to Generate a Zip File in PHP

As a Web Developer, It is very necessary to have a knowledge about how to extract Zip Files using PHP. In this blog, I am going to create a Zip file with using PHP Code. To execute this task, I will use a built-in extension in PHP known as ZipArchive class.

This is a very basic PHP function that accepts two parameters array of files to be zipped and name of a zip file to be created.

Creating a Zip File Using PHP

Generate a Zip File in PHP

//Creating a Zip File Using PHP
function genZip($files = array(),$zipName){
$zip = new ZipArchive();
$zip->open($zipName.'.zip', ZipArchive::CREATE);
foreach($files as $file){

Usage :-

//Usage of genZip function
$files = array(
$zipName = 'myfiles';


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