Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Reasons to Opt Swift Programming Language

Programming language plays an important attribute in the development process. Developers launch the upgraded versions of the programming language to exclude the barriers and to simplify the coding process. In 2014 Swift programming language was introduced by the experts with the same motive to turn the Apple development process into modern, easier and faster. 

Since years, Objective C was ruling the Apple development industry and has turned as a dominant programming language. However, there was a need to take the coding process to the next level. There was a need to maintain the robust the process for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS, tvOS. This resulted in the rise and launch of Swift. 

Swift is known as a modern, powerful, and intuitive Apple programming language. It has a vibrant community, enhancing and integrating new features constantly. 

During WWDC 2019, Apple announced Swift UI, which provides a framework for declarative UI structure design across all Apple platforms. With modern and secure features, Swift language has attracted the developers towards them. Now, this language has turned as the most preferable language of the developers. 

Why developers opt for the Swift Programming Language 

Modern Language 

Since years, programming language Objective C was dominating the industry and Apple developers were not having any other option. Swift introduced as a modern language with the latest research on the programming language. Experts tried to exclude the problems which developers used to face with Objective C and Swift was able to meet with the modern development requirement like less coding and faster process. 


Objective-C developers have to depend on the C language, which is difficult to maintain. Swift doesn’t require any support of the second language, which turns it into an independent language. For swift development company,  to deliver the large entity project for them it is easy to manage the coding process as they don’t have to maintain two different files which are with Objective-C language. 

Less Coding 

In the development process, developers prefer to avoid the huge coding process. Often in Objective-C programming language, developers face the code crashing issues. Swift provides the code with less error with inline support for manipulating text strings and data. Even in this, classes are not divided into variant parts. Hence, Swift developers have to put less coding efforts to maintain the coding part. 

Open - Source 

The main feature that attracts the developers is open source. In 2015, Swift announced as open-source. Open Source refers to the support of the huge community with the motive to improve the functionalities. This language has huge support from the developers. 

Support Library 
Swift supports the huge library, from which codes can be executed to the newer version. Developers can directly interlink the app with those codes, which helps to increase the process of development. 


With the updated features, Swift has become the most preferable language. Along with this, developers can also easily adapt and deliver user-friendly apps. Undoubtedly, Swift language can sort the various hurdles of the development process.

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