Friday, May 31, 2019

3 Leading Applications Of IoT In Real Estate Industry

We are definitely at the advent of another industrial revolution. It is the age of connected objects or devices, which we so fondly call, “Internet of Things” or IoT. This technology is sure to rival past marvels like the printing press, the steam engine, and electricity. We are the cross section of revolution where every individual is experiencing thoughtful economic resurrection. If that was not all, all these is happening at breakneck. 

A decade ago there were about 500 million devices connected to the Internet, and today there are more than 20 billion connected devices; expected to rise to more than 70 billion by 2025.

The rise of IoT also points towards the dawn of a new age of data. What are the two most vital aspects of IoT connected device? The two aspects are i) the ability to capture data via sensors and ii) transmit that data via the Internet.

Let’s look at how IoT solutions for real estate industry catapults it into the future

Predictive maintenance with IoT

We know that homes demand maintenance as they age; maintenance issues become inevitable. However, maintenance related to your house can be done only when the actual problem or damage surfaces. What if the homeowners could get the foresight about the problems that might arise, way ahead of time? All thanks to IoT based predictive analytics, house owners will now be able to identify and resolve system failures before they occur.

The IoT-enabled sensors and real-time energy monitoring help increase energy efficiency and help automate and resolve building maintenance issues. Pitching an amount of convenience helps property owners and agents sell better.

Many companies are using multiple state-of-the-art sensors and energy monitors that keep track of any irregularities occurring on equipment and send regular alerts when it’s time for maintenance. These predictions can also be based out of average energy consumption.

It is not so easy to notice infrastructure issues in a newly built home. However, these powerful sensors have the ability to track any discrepancies and send alerts to homeowners. This gives them a sense of comfort and safety, and makes them feel more confident knowing their home is equipped with technology to identify and resolve infrastructure flaws instantaneously.

Faster decision making with IoT

Many retailers are now looking to provide smart spaces where they can capture the flow of customers. This can help them better understand the areas where customers spend the most time and also, which part of their store gets highest attention or footfall. Understanding such operations helps the retailer make decisions regarding the design of the store as well as the overall merchandising.

Talking about manufacturers and warehouse automation operators, they are equally excited with the concept of smart workspaces; helping them monitor the supply chain with a close look into the inventory levels, people, and machine performance.

In similar manner, IoT has impacted individual home buyers also with quick adaption of beacon technology. Those houses which are on sale contain beacons which are capable of sending push notifications to potential buyers, and along with it, the specifications of the property that helps those buyers make decisions quicker Home owners can get in touch with a reputed IoT solutions company and get such beacons installed in their respective homes.

Increased energy efficiency

We discussed about real-time energy monitoring to predict maintenance patterns previously. In the same manner, the same technology can be used to create smarter, energy-efficient spaces based out of the homeowner’s schedule. Let’s consider one example. How good a Wi-Fi enabled smart water heater can be? One can control when and for how long the water heater is running throughout the day, and allow the device to optimize water temperatures for when one most need hot water. This can help reduce energy costs drastically.


When put into good use, IoT is a great life-saver. Current R&D in most companies is aimed at IoT-enabled devices that will lay down the red-carpet for AI to enter into this niche.

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